05 May, 2011

Clichés of Damascus - Color

I wish I was able to capture Syria's situation at the moment. Unfortunately, I was there too early. 
I was part of a film festival, and did not have any photography-time. Nonetheless, Damascus is full of interesting subjects, and while I walked from a place to another, looking out of my hotel room or going in a random direction and getting lost, I was able to capture these photos.
Today, these pictures are at least 2 months old. 
Somehow, I didn't know if I should have shared them. The feeling is somewhere else... 


  1. what immediately strikes me in the images of this city is the incongruity between details and elements. Shops arranged in rubble. Things I would expect to find INSIDE places (hanging jackets, office furniture) placed outside, in the street. The rake over the bus stop. It is almost surreal. The homeless next to the recreation garden. The man with the red shirt and covering his face, that seems to be dancing...what is he doing? It is a very unusual and intriguing capture. I LOVE the images taken in front of the cinema, especially the big one. The man almost blends in the posters, and he creates a great contrast, alone and bored, next to hot couples of lovers :-)
    Most fascinating set.
    How was the festival?

  2. You're very right. There's sooo much detail and things to look at in Damascus. And the texture of the city is so rusty and authentic... you're a sucker for detail :D

    the man with the red shirt: its a long funny story. He's a Saudi guy who saw me taking pics, and after a long discussion, he asked me to take a picture of him, when I said 'sure, ok', he went to the cab who's waiting for him, got his glasses and belt and started talking to me about the genius of Michael Jackson... He started doing the moonwalk, failing miserably and dancing like his idol (miserably too).
    Sorry if you're reading this :(

    As for the cinema pictures, to make things clear 1st. They're not part of the festival i've been to... they're small popular cinemas on the corners. Folklore.
    I found it interesting, with their very old movie posters, some looking erotic or suggesting sexual tension, (& some Jean Claude Van Dame)... Its interesting contrast for a country like Syria.

    As for the festival, it was a documentary film festival. Very professional. I got to meet a lot of interesting people (from Sundance, Idfa, EDN...), saw amazing documentaries from around the world, and it turned out to be very fruitful. After pitching my project, I won an 2 awards out of 4: funding from the Dubai International Film Festival ( i get to travel there too etc) & a free membership to the European Documentary Network. So I came to Lebanon being the big winner :D
    It was a nice experience. I really wish the political regime there falls down asap!

  3. This is street photography!
    that you must question to post or not--is interesting--and sad.
    I think--there is more of the humanity of earth habitants to be shown via the unbias photographer.
    Sometimes -the only image we have of another part of the globe -does not show things accurately--the similarities of us earthlings.
    these photos -are so real and beautiful to visit another land--that allows us to celebrate--not only what we have in common---but our differences. :clap:
    glad i got to see these.

  4. thanks a lot Stephanie! Your comment cheered me up :)

    I just wish my picture would be seen on a different light... taking a step back from everything's that is happened recently in the region. But somehow, i feel its not important anymore... what's happening is so critical that capturing the present is i believe more relevant. thanks again for your visit :hug:
